Sunday, December 14, 2008

Thermal Curtain Failure

So let me start at the top. I love older movies with a computer related element. I find that the cross between what is fact or fiction for the time period fascinating. Armed with that knowledge, I was trying to recall movies from when I was a kid that had this theme. Lots of examples come to mind: "WarGames", "Short Circuit", to name a couple. One movie, which I had not thought of until recently was "SpaceCamp" . I was shopping at Fry's and I found 1 copy of the DVD, so I bought it. Admittedly, it was an impulse buy. But at $9.99, why not?

The computer element is interesting with the talking NASA mainframe computer, and JINX the $27 million "handy-man". I forgot how much I liked the computer element, very cool for the time period. Bad acting and feasibility aside...I enjoyed watching it again.

A bit of movie trivia, this movie's release was delayed 6 months due to the Space Shuttle Challenger's untimely and horrific demise. I remember watching the events of the Challenger disaster at school. It was horrible.

Back in the 1980s the space shuttle program was in it's infancy. And we were all amazed by its challenges and accomplishments. This movie was product of America's fascination with space exploration. Back when I was in elementary school, the day stopped when the shuttle launched. We all gathered around the one or two TVs the school owned and watched the shuttle defy gravity and launch itself into orbit.

The movie is filled with stock images and video of Space Shuttle launches, landings, and other operations. It was really cool to see, and it made me realize that the Space Shuttle days are numbered. I did some research, and the Space Shuttle is due to be retired in 2010. My goal is to see a launch before retirement. The next launch is due in 2/12/09, and I plan to see it in person.

It saddens me that we, kids and adults alike, have lost our fascination with NASA and the space program. It is truly amazing to me.

SOB - "Forever Man" by Eric Clapton off the "Behind the Sun" album.

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